Wetlands-based solutions for climate change adaptation, risk prevention and mitigation
Project summary
Adaptation to the consequences of climate change is a challenge. Wetland loss and degradation is a sign that the recognition of the wetland climate services is weak. “Wetland-based solutions” offers opportunities to reinforce adaptation. The project WetlandSolutions4Change aims to validate transferable solutions based on wetland conservation and restoration for climate adaptation and mitigation, in order to accelerate the capacities of wetland managers and policy makers to cope with the climate crisis at local and transnational level by improving the take up of science-based knowledge and governance mechanisms through assessments, guidance, capacity building and experience exchange.
Wetland-based solutions will be tested and validated in 5 pilot sites at 5 countries for carbon-sequestration and for flood regulation. The project will create the EuroMED Wetland knowledge base with data on their location, extent, condition, and ecosystem services; it will assess their carbon sequestration and flood regulation capacities for national authority obligations and become an experimental transnational hub for wetland climate solutions.
Our role
ETC-UMA coordinates the result amplification of the project leading WP3 with technical remote-sensing and GIS knowledge as well as expertise in wetland ecosystem condition assessment to support the mapping related to the flood regulation assessment.
ETC-UMA will also support the stakeholder engagement processes at national (Spain), Mediterranean and European level, including outreach to Mediterranean initiatives and networks and European institutions dealing with the EU restoration law and ecosystem monitoring activities.
Main outputs
Wetland-based solution for flood regulation: experiences and guidance (user-friendly booklet)
Dynamic user-oriented transfer plan of the wetland-based solutions for climate adaptation, risk prevention and mitigation, powered by science-based knowledge
More about it
Dania Abdul Malak
Dania Abdul Malak is a senior environmental researcher and Director of the European Topic Centre at the University of Malaga (ETC-UMA). She has over 15 years’ experience in environmental assessment and management...
Maria del Mar Otero
Maria del Mar Otero is a coastal and marine expert with long experience in the Mediterranean, Europe and Asia. She holds a PhD in Marine Science, an MSc in Shellfish Resource Management and a BSc in Marine Science...
Our partners
University of Forestry, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Bulgaria – Lead partner
Goulandris Natural History Museum/ Greek Biotope - Wetland Centre, Greece
University of Valencia, Spain
Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation, Italy
Tour du Valat, France