Strategy for the Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Forests
Project summary
The StrategyMedFor project gathers 7 partners in 6 countries of the Interreg Cooperation area (including 2 IPA countries) and associated institutions from the forest EU & international scene to protect, restore & valorise particularly the Mediterranean Forest Ecosystem. The main goal is the development of a Strategy for Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Forests (SSMMF) targeted to each forest type & adapted to foreseeable climate scenarios, through the integration of new technologies & wide-Mediterranean data into a spatial context, combining geospatial data, remote sensing, GIS & climate modelling in the development of the Strategy.
Scientific-sound recommendations about how & which forests to protect, restore or manage into resilience, specific tools such as thematic cartography about the status of forests in real time, & the priority areas for action are envisaged.
Our role
Main outputs
Strategy for Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Forests (SSMMF)
Organisations cooperating across borders for the Sustainable Management of the Mediterranean Forest ecosystem
Geospatial tools for the evaluation of Mediterranean forests status, identification of impacts on forests and actions to protect, restore or manage them
Joint Development of action plans for forest sustainable management on test sites
A 10-year (2026-2035) Strategy of the Medforval network of HEV Mediterranean forests updated by transposing the knowledge generated in WP1 and WP2
Management plan for the Prespa transboundary area
More about it
Dania Abdul Malak
Dania Abdul Malak is a senior environmental researcher and Director of the European Topic Centre at the University of Malaga (ETC-UMA). She has over 15 years’ experience in environmental assessment and management...
Ana Isabel Marín
Ana (PhD) is an environmental researcher and GIS specialist at the European Topic Centre of University of Málaga. She holds a European-mention PhD in Environmental Science, an MSc in regional planning and a BSc in Environmental Sciences...
Our partners
Istituto Oikos Onlus, Italy
National Center for Forest Owners (CNPF), France
International Association for Mediterranean Forests (AIFM), France
CIHEAM - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (CIHEAM-MAICh), Greece
Public Institution Galicica National Park (PIGNP), North Macedonia
Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina