PANACeA – MBPC – Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community
Mainstreaming management efforts for environmental sustainability
Project summary
The Mediterranean is a biodiversity hotspot with varied socio-economic features and common environmental challenges and pressures. To effectively preserve and sustainably manage this shared natural capital, there is a need to raise awareness among all societal sectors and territorial actors on the importance of getting prepared and acting together to achieve a good environmental status for the benefit of all.
The MBPC project is a collaborative initiative that offers a science-management-policy platform for knowledge, dialogue and action, in partnership with 15 thematic projects, to help build bridges between policy frameworks and environmentally positive practices, building on science and effective solutions in place to address biodiversity and ecosystem protection. MBPC so aims to build the capacities of Mediterranean players by strengthening networks for further outreach, creating opportunities for transferring best tools, capitalizing on the knowledge and experience of a community made of 342 partners in 24 countries, and making knowledge available through an online capitalization platform at
Our role
ETC-UMA has been the lead partner during the first phase of the project (PANACeA) from 2016 to 2019, and is leading the MBPC project from 2019 to 2022. In addition to coordinating the overall partnership and its activities, the ETC-UMA plays a key role in:
- Building a community of individuals and institutions aiming at concerted actions towards biodiversity protection and management.
- Devising and supporting joint publications, events and actions in the community, fostering additional partnerships with organizations and initiatives outside the partnership.
- Ensuring the mainstreaming and transfer of key messages and tools towards targeted policies and events relevant to environmental protection in the Mediterranean.
- Leading the action plan for the MBPC working group on biodiversity protection and transboundary challenges addressing climate change, marine pollution and governance across borders.
- Maintaining and feeding the main online capitalization tool for biodiversity protection in the project ( with spatial data and knowledge originating from 15 Interreg Med projects and other external sources of relevance to Mediterranean biodiversity protection.
- Developing and updating the first thematic database on research efforts addressing the interactions of marine litter and biodiversity in the Mediterranean and its analysis.
Main outputs
Period 2016 - 2019
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Dania Abdul Malak
Dania Abdul Malak is a senior environmental researcher and Director of the European Topic Centre at the University of Malaga (ETC-UMA). She has over 15 years’ experience in environmental assessment and management...
Sonsoles San Román
Sonsoles joined ETC-UMA as Communication officer to support the establishment of a two-way communication channel with the scientific community, promoting an effective communication of ETC-UMA´s outcomes...
Antonio Sánchez
MBP Knowledge
Antonio Sánchez has developed his career focused on Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing tools, especially in the management and processing of data to calculate indicators and generate illustrative maps of environmental problems of all kind...Our partners
European Topic Centre - University of Malaga (lead partner)
InterMediterranean Commission - Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (IMC – CPMR)
Plan Bleu for the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean
Latte Creative
Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism
Marine Institute Croatia
Adriatic Ionian Euroregion (Croatia)
American University of Beirut- FAFS (Lebanon)
Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED) (Egypt)
Arco Latino (Spain)
Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation of IUCN (IUCN-Med) (Spain)
Government of Catalonia, Directorate General of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (Spain)
ISPRA (Italy)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
Legambiente (Italy)
Mediterranean Protected Areas Network (MedPAN) (France)
Municipality of Herceg Novi (OHN) (Montenegro)
Public agency for promotion of entrepreneurship and developing projects of Municipality of Izola (Slovenia)
Region of Crete (Greece)
Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (France)
Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) (Tunis)
Regione Lazio (Italy)
Service de protection de la nature et politiques des forêts de la Région Autonome de Sardaigne (Italy)
Small Islands Organisation - SMILO (France)
The Resource Environmental Center REC Albania
Tour du Valat Foundation (France)
University of Balamand / Université de Balamand (Lebanon)
Ville de Marseille (France)
WWF Mediterranean (Italy)
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund