EnBiC2-Lab: Environmental and Biodiversity Climate Change Lab
Improving knowledge and understanding of the effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity
Project summary
The ERDF funded project EnBiC2-Lab aims to develop an Environmental and Biodiversity Climate Change Lab through the integration of databases and services related to water, soil, air, fauna and flora. The Virtual Research Environment on Climate Change to be created will offer innovative tools based on new technologies like supercomputing and Big Data, including these databases and services in a holistic and integrated approach to analyse climate change effects. Remote sensing and GIS tools will play a crucial role in processing data and providing information products relevant to environmental management and policy-making in Europe and the Mediterranean.
The areas of implementation are three Andalusian protected areas, namely Alcornocales, Sierra de las Nieves and Cabo de Gata, covering the complete pluviometric gradient in the Mediterranean.
Our role
ETC-UMA’s role within EnBiC2-Lab concentrates on contributing cutting-edge remote sensing tools to develop ecosystem mapping products on forest and wetland ecosystems and the development of policy-relevant indicators in the context of climate change, e.g. carbon sequestration, flood regulation, forest biomass. This work will complement ongoing actions on forest and wetland assessments at Mediterranean and Pan-European level.
Main outputs
Our partners