European Seas and Territorial Development, Opportunities and Risks

Project summary

The exploitation of Europe’s seas and coastal areas for economic purposes is extremely important but there are also growing concerns on environmental issues. It is crucial for the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) established in 2007 to respect the different conditions of each of these areas in order to enhance the sustainable development of economic activities.

This ESPON applied research project explored the land sea interactions and the extent to which marine based activities can contribute to economic growth and societal wellbeing, whilst at the same time ensuring that environmental assets are effectively managed. After an initial analysis and diagnostic phase the project requires an intense data collection for the synthesis of digestible information. This allows considering future prospects that are essential to establish policy recommendations and suggestions.

Our role

The ETC-UMA is responsible for the synthesis of data and information collected for the development of single thematic maps at different levels of detail (both the entire ESPON region as specific coastal marine areas). These tasks were aimed at the production of maps composed by different variables which allow studying more accurately the land sea interactions in order to meet the proposed objectives of economic, social and environmental development.

Main outputs


Final Report


Final Report


Final Report


Final Report

More about it

Dania Abdul Malak

Policy related inquiries

Dania Abdul Malak is a senior environmental researcher and Director of the European Topic Centre at the University of Malaga (ETC-UMA). She has over 15 years’ experience in environmental assessment and management...

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Antonio Sánchez

Data related inquiries

Antonio Sánchez has developed his career focused on Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing tools, especially in the management and processing of data to calculate indicators and generate illustrative maps of environmental problems of all kind...
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Our partners

The University of Liverpool (United Kingdom) - Lead partner

Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) (Norway)

Mcrit, LTDO (Spain)

Institute for Local Development, University of Valencia (Spain)

Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (Germany)

Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University (Netherlands)

University of Thessaly (Greece)

Constanta Maritime University (Romania)


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