More space for innovative Mediterranean forest data partnerships

More space for innovative Mediterranean forest data partnerships

The report entitled A knowledge baseline on Mediterranean forests supported by innovation launched in July by ETC-UMA provides a highlight of what Mediterranean countries and institutions are doing to integrate new digital, satellite and Artificial Intelligence technologies into forest monitoring ...
Job opening at the ETC-UMA: Senior Specialist in Nature Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

Job opening at the ETC-UMA: Senior Specialist in Nature Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation

The European Topic Centre on Spatial Analysis and Synthesis (ETC-UMA) is an international center that develops and applies scientific knowledge and cutting-edge technology to address environmental issues and enhance the status of ecosystems at all spatial scales targeting various stakeholders ...
The Earth from Space shown by ETC-UMA at FANTEC 2023

The Earth from Space shown by ETC-UMA at FANTEC 2023

Students from 80 centers from all over Andalusia came together on Friday 19 May 2023 at the High School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Malaga to participate, one more year, in the Andalusian Technology Fair 2023. Antonio Sanchez ...
ETC-UMA launches new technologies applied to ecosystem knowledge

ETC-UMA launches new technologies applied to ecosystem knowledge

Built on the Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, the new wetland monitoring system based on remote sensing data, developed by ETC-UMA and presented in April 2023 at the National Centre for Environmental Education (CENEAM by its acronym in Spanish) ...
Celebrating and calibrating Mediterranean forests

Celebrating and calibrating Mediterranean forests

The Mediterranean basin is the third-richest hotspot in the world in terms of plant biodiversity  and one of the greatest sources of endemic plants on Earth. Its plant diversity accounts for 25 000 plant species, 60 percent of which are ...
The European Topic Centre of the University of Malaga (ETC-UMA) is looking for an IVY volunteer!

The European Topic Centre of the University of Malaga (ETC-UMA) is looking for an IVY volunteer!

The volunteer will support the ENI CBC MED project “ENSERES - ENhancing Socio-Ecological RESilience in Mediterranean coastal", under the ENI CBC MED programme. The objective of the ENI CBC MED project “ENSERES" is to mainstream available EBM tools in ICZM processes for preserving coastal and marine ecosystems ...
New year, new project for ETC-UMA

New year, new project for ETC-UMA

The team of the European Topic Centre on Spatial Analysis and Synthesis (ETC-UMA) at the University of Malaga joins its first Horizon Europe project contributing with its expertise on wetland mapping and assessment at European scale showcased during the Kick ...
Supporting cetacean conservation in the Pelagos Sanctuary

Supporting cetacean conservation in the Pelagos Sanctuary

A new report has been presented today, 18 November 2022, online in the frame of the cooperation between the Pelagos Permanent Secretariat and the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC), a project led by ETC-UMA. The new report, entitled Pathways to ...
EFE interview with ETC-UMA Director

EFE interview with ETC-UMA Director

In the frame of the Interreg Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC) project led by ETC-UMA, the international gathering of partners in Brussels from 2 to 4 November 2022 at the European Committee of the Regions attracted the attention of the ...
Mediterranean biodiversity challenges : acting against marine litter - November 16

Mediterranean biodiversity challenges : acting against marine litter – November 16

This session will look into ongoing efforts to address the impacts of marine litter on Mediterranean ecosystems. The panel will engage representatives from the worlds of science, policy and practice to debate over the knowledge available and gaps remaining to ...